Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Meet the family

Now that you've met the goats I think you should meet my family!

Here's my mom:

Her name is Melissa, and she is somewhere around around 50 years old.  She doesn't keep track of her age anymore. Now she just counts by tens, so a few years ago she was forty, now she's fifty, and in a few more years she'll be sixty. She'll be 100 before she knows it! But she says the only people who really care about her age are the doctor and the cops, and they can look at her license. She likes to cook (she's a caterer), read, and work outside. She has hens and bees. She's a big fan of doing things herself. She watches youtube a lot, and learned how to tie a tie, fix a dryer, change the thingy in the back of the toilet, milk a goat, unclog a sink, and lots of other things. She is very forgetful. I say it's because she's almost 100. 

And here's my dad:

His name is Vernon. I don't know how old Dad is but I  know he his a lot older then mom--like 62 or something. He's a carpenter and a caterer. He's a big Philadelphia Eagles fan which makes it easy to buy him Christmas presents because we just get him Eagles stuff. This picture was taken in Saint Maarten in December. See those shoes he has on? He's owned them since he was in college. 

And heres my oldest brother John:

John eats a lot of food, like eggs and bacon and donuts and bagels and hamburgers and McWraps from Mcdonald's. John is 15 and he is the most fun brother. He likes to take hikes outside and bake cookies with me and sometimes he helps milk the goat so he can make smoothies out of the goat's milk. He doesn't like school, but he does it anyway. 

And then there's James:

James like video games and raw cookie dough. And ever since he got banned from the computer, he reads a lot. He is 13. He doesn't like to go outside. Nature creeps him out. One summer he set a goal to go outside only if he had to get into the car. But he's good at math. When he had pneumonia he didn't get out of his pajamas for a whole month.

And here's ME:

My name is Celia Janet. I was named after my Grandma. Mom says I am the joy of the family because I always make everyone laugh. I am 11 and I like horses and photographing landscapes and animals. I like tacos and pizza with salami and bacon. I also like donuts and am afraid of fish. I don't even eat them. And I HATE PEAS! By the way, my teeth don't always glow like that.

I hope you enjoyed meeting the fam!


  1. Celia, I sure enjoy these!!! You are funny! :) :) :)

  2. Thank you! I hope my family thinks I'm funny, too, after they read this! Celia at ARunawayGoat

  3. Fantastic blog Celia!

  4. Fantastic blog Celia!
    Mrs. V. Haughery
